Get Involved

There are lots of different ways you can get involved.

The Kano Foundation relies on the generosity of our wonderful supporters to make sure children have access to sport, to help bring kids to the game and to provide the best experience possible. 

Whether that’s through volunteering, fundraising, holding an event or coming along to one of ours there’s lots of ways you can support The Kano Foundation.

We’re on hand to help in any way we can and to answer any questions, so please get in touch at [email protected]

We couldn’t do the work we do or see the smiles on the kids faces without donations from our friends and supporters. Please consider a giving a gift to The Kano Foundation today.


We are always looking for new volunteers to help us. Whether that's on match days and at events or behind scenes.


Events are a great way to have fun and raise some money. Come along to our events like the End of Season Ball or run your own Kano fundraising event.


Whether you want to create your own fundraiser or have a creative way to raise money, there are many ways you can raise funds and awareness.

Online Store

Our charity merchandise allows you to show your support for The Kano Foundation while helping bring even more kids to the game! .


Celtic Supporters Clubs across the world have been a part of The Kano Foundation's journey since the very beginning.

Gifts in Wills

A gift in your will can make sure The Kano Foundation continues to take even more kids to the game and make an impact long into the future.

If you want to get started fundraising for The Kano Foundation straight away you can go directly to our JustGiving page here.

The Kano Foundation |
Keeping Football Free for Kids | Registered Scottish.     Charity No. SC042477