The Team

The Kano Foundation is an entirely volunteer run charity. We have no paid members of staff and everyone involved gives up their time freely so even more children can experience a match day at Celtic Park. 


Our Matchday Volunteers

This team of volunteers looks after everything on a matchday. This includes; organising tickets,  handing out hats and scarfs, leading the singing, and liaising with Celtic security staff. They will quite often be seen wearing their high-vis vests guiding the kids safely to Celtic Park. They are there to ensure every kid has the best day out possible!

The matchday team works incredibly hard to make sure every seat is filled and that every single child that comes to the game with The Kano Foundation has a wonderful time.

“It’s one of the most fantastic experiences you’ll get in your life, to see all the kids going to a football match and just enjoying themselves”  – Neil, Kano Matchday Volunteer

Our Trustees

Behind the scenes, this group of volunteers works together to ensure the aims and objectives of the charity are being met. Some have been with The Kano Foundation since the very beginning and some have been invited to join based on their experience and knowledge. 

Dedicated to the cause, they oversee the workings of The Kano Foundation and safeguard its future.


There are so many volunteers giving up their time in different ways to help The Kano Foundation whether through fundraising, promotion, or running their own events. It’s impossible to thank them all for their work.

Below is short video created by one of our volunteers, Erin Boyle.

Every single person, group, or business that supports The Kano Foundation is part of our team, we couldn’t do the work we do without you.

The Kano Foundation |
Keeping Football Free for Kids | Registered Scottish Charity No. SC042477